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"Unsurpassed Excellence and Value Protecting Intellectual Property"
                                                                                                                -Forbes Click Here

Providing Reliable Legal Advise



• Trademarks


Fashion Law


Internet Law

IP Mergers and Acquisitions

Mediation And Alternative Dispute Resolution




Representative Cases


IP Mergers and Acquisitions


Ensuring The Exercise Of Due Diligence In Business Transactions

Intellectual property is an incredibly valuable asset to a business, making it crucial to protect as businesses merge and acquire one another. At Colucci & Umans, we work only in the area of intellectual property law, providing companies with advice and representation focused on protecting these valuable assets in business transactions nationwide and internationally.

When one business acquires or merges with another, it is critical that they exercise due diligence. When clients are acquiring trademarks, patents or copyrights in a merger or acquisition, our attorneys investigate to ensure that the clients are receiving rights that are valid and registered, without claims pending against them. We also have experience representing clients who are selling intellectual property rights, assisting them in negotiations and providing the buyer with relevant information on the validity of existing rights.


Experienced Lawyers Protecting Intellectual Property Worldwide

At Colucci & Umans, our experienced attorneys provide sophisticated representation in complex business transactions throughout the world. Our boutique firm provides elite service to businesses in a wide variety of industries, ranging from fledgling enterprises to multinational corporations. With almost 30 years of experience helping companies grow and expand, we bring unrivaled value to businesses, charging flat rates for most services, rather than the unpredictable billing rates common in our industry.

To schedule a free consultation with experienced nationwide and international intellectual property lawyers contact us at 212-935-5700.